Thursday, December 2, 2010

Written Report Topics

Our written reports are due on December 14th so next week we will discuss our topics, brainstorm and organize our papers. I will also tell you the details about how to do the reports.
For this week, please tell us in the comments the 3 topics that you might
write about. The topics should be related to what we have discussed in class. For ideas, look at past blogs and your class notes. As always, you can write to me if you have questions or need help.
*UPDATE* You need to be more specific than just "current events" or "happiness"!! Please tell us exactly which current event or what aspect of happiness etc... you will write about!!


  1. Judging people, current issues, and happiness.

    Kento T1

  2. Happiness, Current Events, and The Future of Education.

    Akiko T1

  3. happiness, the future of education, and volunteer.
    Rina T1

  4. Happiness, alternative eating, and judging people.

    Mana T1

  5. The future of education, Happiness, and Judging people.

    Satomi Yoneyama T1

  6. Sorry guys, but you need to be more specific! For example, if you might do "current events" then please say which current event you'd like to write about.

  7. I think "The future of education" (for example, how will university education change in the next 100 years) will be very interesting topic to write about.

    Van T1

  8. 1.Happiness (What is happiness? Is there a universal happiness)
    2.Judging people (Good and bad things about judging people)
    3.Volunteer (Japanese people's attitude towards volunteering)

    Ayumi T1

  9. 1. Insane mass jub-hunting frenzy by college students all across Japan every year. (Happiness)
    2. Seniority - is it good or bad? etc. (Happiness)
    3. Prejudice about Gaijin in Japan(Judging people)

    Manabu T1

  10. 1. The Future or Education: How English education should be changed in Japan.
    2. Judging People: The importance of first impression, how to make better impression to others.
    3. Charity, Volunteering & Social Causes: Unique charity or volunteer activity in the world.

    Mika.K T1

  11. 1.The facial features of evil man(judging people)
    2.Right to the pursuit of happiness(happiness)
    3.Stall of stone-roasted sweet potato(alternative eating)

    Ayako T1

  12. 1. Happiness (The working environment in Japan)
    2. Judging people (Stereotypes related to nationality)
    3. Current events (Issues surrounding disclosure of information)

    Asako T1

  13. 1. Current events(Tourism in Japan)
    2. The future of education(Leaning languages on the internet)
    3. Judging people(Judgement on what people wear)

    Rie T1

  14. 1.Judging people or volunteering? - How we can get along with foreigners in multicultural society?
    2.current events - The effect of TPP on farm product in Japan, if it was realized
    3.The future of education - How the education for children from other countries should be?

  15. 1. Judging people(Stereotypes in foreign countries about Japanese people)
    2. Happiness(Positive and negative way of thinking)
    3. Altarnative eating(A vegetarian or an animal lover)

    Yumi T1

  16. 1. Comparison between GNH and HPI (Hapiness)
    2. How we judge the person's character from appearance (Judging people)
    3. The new service of McDonald (Alternative eating)

    Chiho T1

  17. 1. The Future of Education(English in Japanese Elementary School)
    2. Judging people (In the field of job hunting)
    3. Current Events (Reducing CO2 by eating low-carbon diet)
    Satomi YOSHI T1

  18. 1 Advantages and disadvantages of judging people by their appearances (Juding people)

    2 The meaning of having a goal in your life (Happiness)

    3 The use of the Internet in schools (The future of Education)

    Takashi Ueno T1

  19. 1. The Standard of Happiness in the Japanese Society (Happiness)

    2. Pros and Cons of Judging Others by Appearance (Judging people)

    3. The Significance of Media Literacy (The future of education)

    Masaru T1

  20. 1. Smartphone for education (The Future of Education)
    2. Learn TV style presentation! (Where Good Ideas Come From)
    3. Korean pop musicians in Japan - Why are they so popular? (Current Events)

    Minami T1

  21. 1. What the future education should be in Japan(Future education)
    2. The advantages and disadvantages of judging people at the first sight(Judging people)
    3.The possibility of being happy all the time(Happiness)

    Miki, T1

  22. - Popular events in Japan run by volunteers (related to Volunteering)
    - Electronic textbooks and blackboards (related to the Future of Education)
    - Bhutan: Happiness and society (related to Happiness)

    Kaori, T1

  23. 1.Using computers in classes (Future of education)
    2.Unique charity groups and events (Charity)
    3.The first impression (Judging people)

    Satomi.K. T1

  24. 1.Alternative eating(New eating trend in Japan)
    2.Judging people(To what extent we rely on visual information to judge other people)
    3.current event(financial crisis among law school students)


  25. 1 interesting eating habits in japan
    2 what gives the happiness for people the most
    3 how should we get along with technology in terms of education

    yuri T1

  26. 1. The education in Japan(related to issues concerning yutori-education)
    2. Judging people (how Japanese react to people depending on which ethnicity they belong to)
    3. The alternative eating in Japan (how restaurants innovate new ways to attract more customers)

  27. ↑↑correcting the above comment↑↑

    1. The education in Japan(related to issues concerning yutori-education)
    2. Judging people (how Japanese react to people depending on which ethnicity they belong to)
    3. The alternative eating in Japan (how restaurants innovate new ways to attract more customers)

    Megumi T1

  28. 1. How do NGOs collect funds? (Volunteer)
    2. Happy Planet Index(Happiness)
    3. "Frisk, Sharpens You Up" (Idea)

    Natsuki, T1

  29. 1.Education in Finland (Future of Education)
    2.WikiLeaks (Current events)
    3.The reason of high suicide rate in Japan(Happiness)

    Tomomi.A T1

  30. 1. Prejudice against immigrants in Japan (judging people)
    2. education in Singapore(future education)
    3. car sharing (current event)

    yuri N. T1

  31. 1.Alternative-eating: the tradition of Japanese Ytai (food selling truck)
    2.The future of education: Will Yutori education be repeated again someday despite its recent failure?
    3. Current events: the controversy of lay judges in Japan

    Mika.S T1

  32. 1.Smoking habits in Japan (current events)
    2.Celebration in Japan (Happiness)
    3.first impression(judging people )

  33. 1. Various working styles as means of self-fulfillment
    2. What is the marketing strategy which 'HOOTERS' takes to make a success in Japan?
    (Alternative eating)
    3. Consideration to the word of wisdom, 'Nature gives you the face you have at 20; it is up to you to merit the face you have at 50.'
    (Judging people)

    Takako T1

  34. 1. The relation between work and happiness
    2. The present situation in smoking(current event)
    3. English teaching at high school in the future(future education)

    Yusuke T1

  35. Happiness-difference in age/generation.
    Judging-judging people on their voice.
    Current event-changes in mass media in Japan.


  36. human flesh (alternative eating)
    internet communication through avatars (education)
    NASA's deceitful wording (current event)

    Tats T1

  37. 1.happiness in various countries
    2.volunteering in japan
    3.judging japanese people in other countries

