Friday, December 17, 2010

Current Events

In the next class we will talk about current events and/or what you think was one of the most important events of 2010. Look at the websites below for ideas. When you choose your topic, please be specific and tell us your topic in the comments.

Try these websites:

The Globe and Mail (Canada's largest national newspaper)

Japan Press Weekly (English news service sponsored by the Japanese Communist Party)

Joe Bageant's Blog (an American critic of American politics & culture)

Little Green Footballs (a conservative yet alternative American blog)

Newseum (see the front pages of newspapers from all over the US)

New Zealand Herald (NZ's largest newspaper)

The Times of India (largest English-language newspaper in the world)

VBS.TV (video reports on current affairs, popular culture, travel, extreme sports, and music)

Vietnam News (daily English newspaper in Hanoi)


  1. The most important event of 2010, I think, is

    Chile's great mine rescue


  2. 2010 Olympic Winter Games in Vancouver and its economic effect for BC


  3. I'm going to talk about the controversy of Hooters Restaurants trying to market themselves to children in the US. Sorry Tatsu - did you want to do this? ;p

  4. Saito Yuki has won the Waseda-Keiou tournament and chosen for Nippon-Ham Fighters. His rival Masahiro Tanaka is a popular member of Rakuten Eagles. Its economic effect is expected really high.

    T1 Akiko

  5. Recently I've been interested in illegal immigrants and drug smugglers in US. Couple of days ago, a border patrol agent was killed in Arizona. I'm going to talk about that.


  6. The attack on Yeonpyeong island, which killed a several people, heightened the tension between North Korea and South Korea.

    I am going to talk about this dispute to which Japanese people should not be indifferent.

    Takashi Ueno T1

  7. I chose a topic of the erruption of Icelandic volcano, which happened this March. This event is quite memorable for me as I was directly affected by it when I was in Europe.

    Mika.K T1

  8. The 33 miners trapped underground for 67 days were rescued in Chili.

    This accident gathered much attentions from all over the world. I am going to talk about how other countries aided.

    Ayako T1

  9. I chose a topic from The Time of India, “Snow hits flights, leaves hundreds of drivers stranded.”I chose this topic because one of my friend in London wrote about this in her blog!
    Rina T1

  10. I am interested in global warming, so I am going to talk about the issue from Japan Press Weekly.

    Yusuke T1

  11. In order to increace Japan's visibility as a MICE(Meeting, Incentive, Convention and Exhibition) venue, Japan Tourism Agancy designated 2010 as the Japan MICE Year. 2010 saw a number of international conferences such as APEC and COP10. I'm going to explain Japan's promotion of MICE this year.

    Minami T1

  12. From The Globe and Mail, I picked the article about environment.This year 2010 underwent unprecidented deadly natural disasters, such as earthqeake,heatwave,blizzard etc.I'm going to focus on this issue and talk about it.

  13. I am going to talk about the article "Seoul to go ahead with drills despite threats of war" from the Grove and Mail. I would like to focus on what Japanese government would do if the war outbreaks in our neighbor and the present situation of national security in this country.

    Megumi T1

  14. The article "Asian Development Bank grants $69m for forest protection project" from Vietnam News interests me. I would like to talk about environmental problems related to development in developing countries, which was controversial point in COP16. I would like to focus on the South Asian countries.

    Ayano T1

  15. I chose the article "Irish abortion ban violates women's rights: European court" from The Clobe and Mail as my topic.

    Yumi T1

  16. I'm going to talk about the article "College graduates' employment rate hits record-low" from Japan Press Weekly.

    Mana T1

  17. "Japan must assert its claim to the Senkaku Islands" from Japan Press Weekly. I think the whole thing about China and Japan fighting over the tiny island was really silly.
    Manabu T1

  18. I'm going to talk about the article "South Korea conducts artillery drills from disputed border island" from The Globe and Mail.

    Miki T1

  19. I'm going to talk about "China's military a global concern: Japan" from the Times of India.

    Yuri N. T1

  20. I chose a topic from "Japan Press Weekly", which discusses the controversial issue of regulations on depictions in comics and animations.

    Masaru T1

  21. I'll talk about "Wikileaks and Japanese media". It had huge impact on people around the world but Japanese media didn't say enough about that. Considering the impact of Wikileaks talk about how Japanese media is different from rest of the world.


  22. My topic is "Prince William engaged after proposing to Kate Middleton with mother's ring " from The Globe and Mail.

    Haruka T1

  23. I chose the article: "COP 16 reveals Japan’s isolation," from Japan Press Weekly.

    Natsuki T1

  24. I chose "JAL's forcible dismissal violates ILO conventions" from Japan Press Weekly.

    Asako T1

  25. I chose an article "Giant statue not Gundam copy: Chinese park" as similar issue arose in the past and I was interested in it.

    Ayumi T1

  26. I'm going to talk about Japanese economic depression and high unemployment rate. I chose "JAL names 202 crewmembers to be fired" from Japan Press Weekly.

    Tomomi.A T1

  27. I'll talk about the nobel peace prize winner, Liu Xiaobo. So I'd choose the article "Nobel Peace Prize event to go ahead despite Liu's absence" from The Times of India.

    Nodoka T1

  28. I chose an article about an ordinance of Tokyo for "healthy youth development", which might make most comic books disappear.
    This topic is related to the freedom of expression, so I became interested in it.

  29. I chose an article about an ordinance of Tokyo for "healthy youth development", which might make most comic books disappear.
    This topic is related to the freedom of expression, so I became interested in it.

    Sorry, I forgot to put my name below.

    Chiho T1

  30. I chose "Publishers oppose Tokyo’s proposed censorship of expression" from Japan Press Weekly.
    Satomi YOSHI T1

  31. I chose the article, "Korean school tuition waiver process suspended" from Japan Press Weekly. I'm going to talk about the relationship between politics and education.

    Satomi YONE T1

  32. haha, it IS an interesting topic, Matt.

    Well, I'm gonna talk on the Beatles' debut on iTunes Store instead of the monumental opening of Tokyo Hooters.

    Tats T1

  33. will talk about'Twitter approved to use in English courts', from, how recent technology appeared in court.

  34. I chose a topic 'Publishers oppose Tokyo’s proposed censorship of expression' from Japan Press Weekly.

  35. I chose a topic 'Publishers oppose Tokyo’s proposed censorship of expression' from Japan Press Weekly.
    *Sorry, I forgot writng my name below.
    T1 Takako
