Saturday, November 27, 2010

The Future of Education

In the next class we will discuss about the future of education. First, think about how education has changed since the time your parents and grandparents were students. Realize that in the next generation (30 years), education will likely change even more than it has in the last 100 years. Now, choose one question and answer in the comments. You may give general answers or provide details.

1. What are some ways that education has changed in the last 100 years?

2. Make a prediction about how education might change in the next 30 years.

3. Suggest how you think education SHOULD change in the next 30 years.


  1. I gonna answer question2. My prediction is that more and more schools will provide education in English in next 30.Because it is often said that English education in Japan is not good and not so efficient compared to the other countries.
    Rina T1

  2. #3
    It should focus more on how you can gather and process information, and make something out of it. In the information age, which we live in, conventional teaching style japanese love so much, soaking up students with useless numbers of history and so forth, is absurd! In stead of memorizing all the things, I believe and hope we're not computers, we should be able to use that energy to create something marvelous only human beings can do.

    Kento T1

  3. My answer to #2

    My prediction is that the education will be computer based. Many schools have already introduced computers in class, but in the next 30 years, I guess students will not go to school, but study at home using internet.

  4. My answer to 3.
    I think schools in Japan should put more emphasis on "output" of students'.
    Schools just teach and do not ask students to express their ideas and thoughts after that, so they do not think thoroughly and cannot have any opinions about the topic.
    To develop and share each one's ideas, I think it is important to ask them what or how they think and feel about it.

    Yuri n. T1

  5. To question 2
    I also think the Internet will play more important role. I saw a newspaper article on the other day. It said that some researchers are considering giving lectures to children in developing countries with computer technology. It would be possible that children in different parts of the earth have the same lecture at the same time through computers.
    Minami T1

  6. I would like to answer question 1.

    The biggest change in last 100 years is to have introduced computers to school. Although they didn't use any computers 100 years ago, most schools today have a computer class. Thanks to computers, students can learn more and more things.

    Yusuke T1

  7. To question 1
    I think many types of technology has changed our education in last 100 years. For example, some universities are now broadcasting their lectures on TV, which people could not do 100 years ago. Nowadays, university students use a computer to do a research and to write a paper. This is also a good example to show us how technology has changed our education.

    Rie T1

  8. To the question 3
    Education in the future should respect each student more than nowadays. Now, basically, all students take the same curricula but I think more flexible curricula which fit each student is necessary. Therefore, education should be more flexible and the center of it should be students, not the government.

    Satomi Yoneyama T1

  9. I'll answer question #2.

    My prediction is that more and more schools use computers in classes next 30 years because the skill of computer is necessary for works, and using computer reduce the amount of using paper.

    Satomi K. T1

  10. I'd like to answer #3. Japanese government should focus on English speaking ability to solve Japanese poor English. Presentation, discussion, speech and debate are useful ways.

    T1 Akiko

  11. #3
    I think education at school should be involved more in active learning. In current education, learning tend to be passive as students are required to listen to teachers and remember knowledge they are taught. Thus, students are not provided with enough opportunities to utilize that knowledge or to express their opinions on various subjects. Education should not be just for passing exams, but it should encourage students to learn things actively and to think how to solve problems.

    Mika.K T1

  12. #3
    Education in the future should get students study voluntarily instead of just listening to what teachers are talking. By minimizing the inputs students have more chances to express what they think about the subjects. Also there should be certain level of competition between students therefore students can get to know what they are good at or not. Some people blindly refuse to put pressues on children but figuring out how to deal with pressures and stress in the early stage of life will help them when they get out of schools.

    Megumi T1

  13. #2
    There will be more classes about information technology literacy. IT has the potential to change the present education style. For example, all school books and dictionaries can be replaced to ipads. Some school use ipod touch as a listening equipment. Also, Maebashi Kyouai Gakuen Colledge has handed out ipod touch to all of their students and professors for 500yen (only the cost for wall adapter). It is used for registration, not only as a communication tool. How IT can affect education is unpredictable, but in 30 years it is sure that children are going to have more lessons about how to use IT.

  14. Q3:
    Teaching licence should be subject to update every 2 years or so. There are too many teachers all over the country that should not be granted with teaching licence. One thing that puts me down is that a lot of them fail to notice and stop bullying and we’ve had too many suicide cases. Also there are too many pedophiles on the job! What is taught at school is important. But I think who teaches all that knowledge is as important.
    Manabu T1

  15. I would like to answer Q3:

    I think that in the next 100 years, it is likely that there will be no schools in the earth because IT technologies may develop to the extent that people of our times can not imagine and students can search or learn everything at home through computers.Besides,
    when we have robots to serve our life, human will become lazier, children with much better living conditions will not think it is necessary for them to learn anything, or atleast to learn about what their ancestors did in the past. It is also a reason that though schools are built, noone come to learn in next 100 years. Another possibility that can become true is that our earth nolonger exists and our next generations will have to move to another planet. If this really come true (though I do not hope so), there will have new schools with new style which is adjusted to new living conditions in the planet we move and ofcourse what should be learnt will be mostly different from what we are being educated now.

  16. Q1: Focusing on education in Japan,it was a kind of tool to make children loyal to the nation or the emperor.They had to memorize the Imperial Rescript and show the honor to their superiors. The contents were limited to war, patoriotism,ethnocentrism etc. Now we can learn, more freely, wider range of subjects with variety of concepts by means of such as PC, e-books, visual aids and so on. So I think it is one of the biggest changes that education underwent in the last 100 years.

  17. To question #2:
    This prediction may be limited to Japan and some other developed countries, but I think education will become more focused on each individual student in the next 30 years as the birthrate continues to decline. For example, schools may have classes with fewer students per teacher.

    Asako T1

  18. I would like to answer Q3:

    I think that in the next 100 years, it is likely that there will be no schools in the earth because IT technologies may develop to the extent that people of our times can not imagine and students can search or learn everything at home through computers.Besides,
    when we have robots to serve our life, human will become lazier, children with much better living conditions will not think it is necessary for them to learn anything, or atleast to learn about what their ancestors did in the past. It is also a reason that though schools are built, noone come to learn in next 100 years. Another possibility that can become true is that our earth nolonger exists and our next generations will have to move to another planet. If this really come true (though I do not hope so), there will have new schools with new style which is adjusted to new living conditions in the planet we move and ofcourse what should be learnt will be mostly different from what we are being educated now.
    Van T1

  19. I will answer #3. Talking about Japanese education, we should do more practice how to do discussion or debate. The more we go outside such as studying abroad or business trading, the more discussion opportunity has occur. Although Japanese people are forgetting their traditional emotion such as harmoney and kindness, they still hesitate to speak out what they are thinking. If this noncommittal situation continue, we cannot build good relation with people in other countries. So I think Japanese future education sould be focused on "speaking in public" in order to be adopted by international society.
    Satomi YOSHI T1

  20. My answer to #2

    As technolgy is developing rapidy, I predict that teachers will make the most of the Internet in the future. I believe that using the Internet will bring about better education.

    For exapmle, students who study English will be able to communicate with people in different countries if we utilize the Internet. That is, English classes will be more interesting and fruitful ones due to the Internet.

    Like this, the Internet will play a crucial role in education in the future.
    Takashi T1

  21. #2:
    I predict most school will have remote classes. In 30 years time, internet will literally spread all over the world. I guess students in the next generation might be able to graduate a university in a foreign country.

    Natsuki T1

  22. #3

    It is safe to say that the Japanese education system today has a number of problems to solve, which range from the long-disputed English curriculum to what-in-the-world-is-the-point-of-it type of 総合的な学習の時間. Having said that, what I find the most problematic is the prevailing perception that the educational institutions (particularly universities) are nothing but a pass point of one's career. As it has been broadcast lately on television, the unacceptably early start of job-searching for juniors at university might explain that. Thus, the government should reconsider what education is for, and we should think of the ways to make the best of it. The point I was trying to make here is that the ethical issues with regard to education should not be neglected when reforming the concrete curricula and such.

    Masaru T1

  23. To Q1:

    My granma told me that when my grandparents were students, only limited number of children could go to a university. And most children who were able to go to a university were boys from rich families.So she said at that time, going to a university was something special.
    Now more than half of Japanese high school students go to a university. So university education is no longer special for us. I think this is one of the biggest change in the last 100 years.


  24. My prediction is also that students will not go to school everyday.They take almost classes with their PC. And contents of lessons will be changed ,they will have to study media literacy, many computer skills etc...
    but I am afraid of being lost present education style because going school doesn't only means studying, getting knowlege, students can learn human relation like the way of making friends :)

    yuri T1

  25. #2
    considering the fact that the number of children is going down, the school education focus on individual. smaller class, tutorial for each students and so on.


  26. Q2
    I think education in 30 years will put more emphasis on practical English. The world is being globalized. Japanese need to communicate in English to succeed in business. Schools will provide more classes in which students can express their opinions and have discussion.

    Tomomi.A T1

  27. To Q2,

    I think database management systems of individual student will be in reality. Teachers will be able to accommodate each student for each problem because the systems will help teachers know individual learning level immediately. In this way technology innovation and also declining birthrate will make education more individual-oriented.

    Haruka T1

  28. My answer to Q1:
    Considering the situation only in Japan, people who can enjoy benefits brought about by education has changed significantly. Although children who had access to education was limited a century ago, rights to achieve primary education are ensured to all children now.

  29. My opinion to Q3;
    Japanese education should change to focus on the process to solve problems in the next 30. We study almost for entrance exam in junior high and high school. Therefore we learn formulas or rules and practice for exams everyday. We should have more classes of problem resolution, for example, analyzing, information handing, discussion.

    Ayako T1

  30. #2
    I predict education will depend on computers more and more in the next generation, but I do not think it good to depend on it too much.
    I heard some schools use iPad,PSP or Nintendo DS for their lessons and homeworks nowadays. In some days children might not have to go to school because they can take lessons on-line staying in their room.
    I know it is important to learn how to use computers and they are very convenient for lessons at universities where so many students are, but I think it's not good for children to do everyting by computers.
    If children are educated to depend on computers, they grow up into adults who cannot think, work, and live without computers.
    What is more, getting into some communities is one of the most important thing about child education. So I don't think it's good to have on-line school for children.

    Mana T1

  31. #2

    I think that we will no longer have to rely on teachers, books or even schools when studying something. Because of the development of the Internet, which seems to be continuing, we can already study for ourselves at home using a computer. In addition, lately the lack of teachers skilled enough, especially in the foreign-language area, has been the problem. Thus it seems natural that the way to educate ourselves on the Internet will be much more common in the near future.

    Miki T1

  32. I answer to 2.
    In 30 years, computers will play more important role in education than now.
    By using them, children in developing countries can study more easily.

    So I think more and more children will be able to take classes all over the world.

    Chiho T1

  33. #3
    I guess, in the future education, there will be more class that students can experience virtual reality. The reason why I feel this way is that the development of imaging technology, especially that on 3D, is remarkable these days. 3D movie and television is becoming more available and naturally it could be used in the field of education in the near future. In classes of science, history, language, or even math, students will spend thier time more on actually feeling or seeing things and people, instead of just reading textbook.

    mika.s T1

  34. sorry, I answered #2.

    mika.s T1

  35. #2
    I predict future education would be dramatically changed by computer innovation. For instance future students would be able to join classes in virtual reality space where they can interact with students from other parts of the world. Actually in the world of games, such "real-time" communication has been already established, and through their avatars, people are cooperating and traveling in virtual worlds. Those are still technology in games but I think it can be used in various ways including education. Of course,there must be held classes in schools in the real world not to forget the importance of interacting face to face.

    Tats T1

  36. #2
    I predict future education would put more importance on information literacy. There must be much information in the future world, and children will have to learn to judge information. Not only computer literacy, but information literacy would be, and should be tought in the future education.
