Friday, December 17, 2010

Current Events

In the next class we will talk about current events and/or what you think was one of the most important events of 2010. Look at the websites below for ideas. When you choose your topic, please be specific and tell us your topic in the comments.

Try these websites:

The Globe and Mail (Canada's largest national newspaper)

Japan Press Weekly (English news service sponsored by the Japanese Communist Party)

Joe Bageant's Blog (an American critic of American politics & culture)

Little Green Footballs (a conservative yet alternative American blog)

Newseum (see the front pages of newspapers from all over the US)

New Zealand Herald (NZ's largest newspaper)

The Times of India (largest English-language newspaper in the world)

VBS.TV (video reports on current affairs, popular culture, travel, extreme sports, and music)

Vietnam News (daily English newspaper in Hanoi)

Friday, December 10, 2010

Written Reports

Here are some reminders about the reports due next class:
1. One to two pages long(double-spaced)
2. Don't personalize (do not write "I think..." or "We should... " etc)
3. Use at least two sources (Wikipedia doesn't count)
4. Be very careful with plagiarism.
5. Topic should relate to something we studied BUT should be original and focused.
6. Take the report beyond defining or summarizing something. Find opinions, suggestions, solutions, different interpretations, comparisons.
7. "Think outside the box." Be innovative and creative in your research (i.e. survey students, interview a professor, go somewhere, etc...
And, as always, contact me if you need help or have any questions!

Thursday, December 2, 2010

Written Report Topics

Our written reports are due on December 14th so next week we will discuss our topics, brainstorm and organize our papers. I will also tell you the details about how to do the reports.
For this week, please tell us in the comments the 3 topics that you might
write about. The topics should be related to what we have discussed in class. For ideas, look at past blogs and your class notes. As always, you can write to me if you have questions or need help.
*UPDATE* You need to be more specific than just "current events" or "happiness"!! Please tell us exactly which current event or what aspect of happiness etc... you will write about!!