Thursday, April 29, 2010

Managing Stress

Next class we will be looking at how people in Britain are trying to make their offices less stressful. We will discuss different aspects of stress and think of ideas about managing stress in our lives.

In the comments, please answer one of the questions:

1. What causes you the most stress in your life?

2. Do you have any good ways to handle stress?

3. Are there any situations where stress is good?

4. What countries do you think have the most stressed-out people? What countries have the most relaxed people?


  1. I'd like to answer question 2. If I feel stress, I have two best ways to handle it. First I eat lots of my favorite food till I become satisfied. Then I listen to cheerful songs or go to karaoke with my friends.
    Akiko Yamaoka T1

  2. I'll also answer the Q2. My best way to relieve stress is to talk to someone. After talking about what causes me stress, I can feel much better and find that it was a very small problem.

  3. I also wanna answer the Q2. When I feel stress, I often go to bed. I feel that taking a little nap takes my stress away. We need to sleep in order to recover ourselves. I think sleeping has something to do with calming oneself down.
    Rina T1

  4. I'd like to answer the Q2, too. I sleep a lot when I feel stress. I often sleep almost whole day on holiday. I can recover my energy by sleeping.

    Yuko T1

  5. Hiroshi Funayama "T1"April 30, 2010 at 8:32 PM

    As for Q3,
    I belonged to the baseball club in high school days. In games, playing with "a certain degree of" stress allowed me to perform better than playing without stress. It was probably because moderately burdened pressure contributed to increase my concentration for the ball. Referring to this, It can be said that stress has a good effect in the baseball games as long as it is of "a certain degree".
    Anyway, in my case, keeping myself stressed just as I should be was stressful though.....

    Hiroshi Funayama "T1"

  6. I also think a certain degree of stress is necessary.People can't grow if they're under no stress.Maybe they are satisfied at the beginning,but I don't think that's a good thing.
    I haven't had English classes for like four years,so English is not easy for me.A lot of my friends take some easy courses because if they take A grades ,it'll be more easy for them to get a scholarship.Of course I want scholarships too.I'm taking three English classes this semester.I have to do a lot of readings and spend a lot of time on doing homework.So I'm kind of stressful now,but I'm forcing myself to practice English more.So I think a certain degree of stress is really necessary.

    Ren Liu T1

  7. I would like to answer question 1. I think that I feel the most stress when there are things I need to do, but can't figure out where or how to start. When the day ends and I realize I have nothing done, I just feel terrible. This sense of wasted time and regret stresses me out a lot.

    Kaori Itakura

  8. It depends on the kind of stress I have, but usually exercise and fresh air make me feel better.
    Also, doing something creative, like cooking dinner, writing postcards or doodling help my mind get away from stressful thoughts.

  9. I'll answer Q1. I used to have two part-time jobs at the same time. Most of the day I worked and I couldn't well concentrate on my studies at the university. That was the time I felt most stressed in my life. Doing several tasks at the same causes me a lot of stress!

    Sayaka T1

  10. My answer to the question #2 eat and sleep well. If I stress out, the first thing I want to do is to go back home and sleep on my bed (or I shall say "futon"). If I can't do this, than the next thing I will do is to eat till I get satisfied. Pretty simple ways, but they are the best solutions.

  11. I feel stressed the most when I go to some place to meet the people for the first time. I feel nervous and stressed when I talk to unknown people. For example, when I go to a drinking party with people who I meet on that day, I feel stressed.


  12. I would like to answer Q3. I think we can demonstrate more than what we can do under stress or a feeling of tension. Taking an entrance examination is one example. If you are too relaxed and slack, you are more likely to make mistakes. Feeling stressed means pulling yourself together if you look at it from a different angle.

    Mickie Yamanari

  13. I'd like to answer Q2. My best way to handle stress is to say something positive. For, I believe I can change my feeling with those words. My favorite word is "ma,ikka.(It's all right?)".

    T1 Nana Nakamura

  14. I will answer #2. When I have stress, I always read books in a silent room. I just calm down and look for another world in readings. It always brings me something new idea or tips to live in this busy world.
    T1 Satomi Yoshida

  15. I'd like to answer the question #2. My best way to handle stress is to watch some comedy shows. When I laugh out loud, I can forget what causes me stress and I feel that it is no use to suffer any longer.
    T1 Minami

  16. I'd like to answer the question #2. When I feel stressed, I go to eat delicious food with my friends. Chatting with my friends over dinner makes me feel better and more comfortable.

    T1 Satomi Yoneyama

  17. To #1: I found that I am most stressed in my life these days by my messy small room. My flat is tiny and lots of things are packed in it. I am always stressed by that. However, there must be some solutions for that... It's just because I am not good at keeping my room tidy.


  18. About Question 3:

    I heard an interesting story about carrying a rare kind of tropic fish.

    Some professionals tried to move that fish from one place to another for further research in an aquarium set in a truck. Since the fish were really sensitive to any minor changes in their living environment(e.g., tiny moves of the water), the staff tried and failed for many times.

    But finally they came up with an interesting and effective way to solve the problem: they put another creature (I don't exactly know what it is, maybe a shrimp or crab) which eats the fish in the same aquarium. According to the experts, mental stress was crucial to keep the fish alive.

    I think this episode is quite insightful. We don't want to have too much stress around. However, what if there was no stress at all in the world? ... Seriously, we could possibly die in boredom.


  19. I will answer Q2.If I feel stress,I go drinking with my friends.Talking cheerfully with beer makes me forget stress.I think the best way to reduce stress is to forget it.


  20. To answer the question 1, when I have a lot of things to deal with at the same time or when my head is messed up by thinking about things I have to do at that time, I feel much stress. Not at the very time I deal with the problem, but when I realize I have a lot to do, I get really frustrated.

    T1 Yoshihiro

  21. Q2
    The thing causes me most stressed is when I feel I'm not handling my life the way I want to, or I'm being forced by someone/something to do something. For example, when I am full scheduled and don't know what I am doing, I'm stressed. To reduce this stress, what I do is stop everything and think about what I really want to do, and reconsider my schedules. In that way, when I am aware of what I am doing and what for, I can feel I'm handling my life no matter how busy I am. In short, to reduce stress, I do the things what I want to do.

  22. My answer to Q2 is that I eat something nice and little expensive. It may be cake, lunch, dinner or tiny piece of chocolate. Something that is fancy and special to eat make me feel better.

    T1 Yurika

  23. Great comments guys!

    Like the tropical fish that Nike mentioned, I need a little bit of stress to keep me alive. If I am too relaxed, I can't do ANYTHING! I don't even want to brush my teeth!

    Maybe it's best to manage stress instead of trying to get rid of it?

  24. I think so too, Matt.

    In my case, I just drinking beer to manage stress. Just drink. I know drinking can solve nothing about stress-thing itself at all. But, drinking takes me to somewhere extraordinary from my daily life. And I think about my stress again in that place, then, I realize different aspects of the stress and the way to solve it.
    Drinking must be only and best way to manage stress, I believe, yeah, I'm drinking even now.

    T1 Sentaro

  25. I also think we need some stress in order to keep ourselves more careful and active. To make use of stress, we also need to handle stress. When I feel too much stress, I listen to music and just sleep in my bed to compose myself. Then, I feel better and become active.

    T1 Futoshi

  26. Q2
    When I feel stress, I will join a chorus club and sing with my members. Just sing or talk with them are good ways for me to reduce stress.
    But, when we truly need to handle stress, I think we have to know what causes us stress, and solve the problem.

    T1 Rie Nishimura

  27. Q4. I think that countries with the highest rates of suicide have the most stressed people. Russia, Ukraine, Japan and South Korea are at the top 10 of the list of suicide rates by the country. I think the core of the problem in Russia and Ukraine lays in their economic and political situations. People are so stressed and tired that they even stop watching news.

    I think that Japanese and Korean people are mostly stressed at work. Strict conditions of work and rules of communication (honorific language and different norms of etiquette) have brought lack of normal communication and time for recreation.

    Denmark and Switzerland are believed to be the happiest countries in the world. It seems that their governments really take care about their people, who pay very high tax rates though. Actually, I was expecting to see more sunny countries in the happy list.

    Anna, T1

  28. I would like to answer the second question. My best way to get rid of stress is to sing in a really loud voice. Raising my voice makes me feel refreshed and gives me new energies to do what I should do.

    Asami Sudo T1

  29. I would like to answer the second queation. When I feel stress, I take a walk and look at the stars in the sky at night, listening to my favorite music. This is the best way for me to control stress.

    T1 Syunta

  30. to quwstion no.2
    When I feel stressed. I try to forget about the thing stresses me. I often do some other fun things, such as chatting with friends, then I face to the problem again

    Miyu Yoshikawa

  31. I would like to answer the second question. When I feel stressed, I will drink. And then if I drink all the alcohol, I will go to bed. Next morning I can forget all the stressful things. This is the best way for me to handle the stress.

    T1 Hideto Takamura

  32. Anna - next semester we will talk about the "happiest" countries! I think warm sunny places are usually the happiest (at least, that is where I am the happiest).

    I think Sentaro and Hideto should go drinking together sometime!! I only drink AFTER the stress is over... then I can relax. If I drink when I am stressed, then I feel more anxious.

  33. I would like to answer Q1. In my case, I feel really stressed when I cannot do the things in my own way. In the last year, assignments of English major or practicing drama for the Gaigo Festival were all stressful to me. But instead, they made me grow up.

    T1 Yumi Mizuno

  34. I would like to answer Question4.
    This is my personal image but I think that Italian and Spanish people do not have stress so much. Since they have siesta, they can easily relax during the daytime. And also, this is my personal experience, when I went to Malta to study English, Spanish and Italian people were very nice to me!!

    Misato T1

  35. I would like to answer Q4.
    I think that Spanish and Italian people do not have stress so much. Since they have siesta, they can easily relax during the daytime. And also, this is my personal experience, when I went to Malta to study English, Spanish and Italian people were very nice to me!!!!

    Misato T1

  36. I would like to answer Q2. When I feel stress, I listen to the noisy music,or trance music. The best way to reduce stress is to sing loud at karaoke.But I cannot often go to karaoke, so that can also be stress.

    Saki T1

  37. I'll answer Q1. I feel stress the most when I'm in places where there are lots of people. That's why I don't like going to Shibuya and Harajuku. Taking trains which is full of people also makes me crazy.

    Akihiro T1

  38. I'd like to answer Q1. I hate going to school by a crowded train. So, in a packed train, I am always feeling so much stress. I want to live in a house near TUFS and get relief from that stress.

    Yoshiki Yajima T1

  39. I will answer the second question. When I feel stressed, I usually go for a run for about 20 minutes. And it makes me feel better and refreshed

    Ayaka. M T1

  40. For the Q2, the best way to handle stress for me is to do what I WANT to do. People usually get their stress from a situation which would confine you from what you REALLY want to do. So to minimize your stress level, you should go do what you want to do as much as possible.

  41. I'd like to answer question 2. When I feel stress, I often do things what I like to do. So as for me, I handle stress by talking with my friends, sleeping, eating favorite foods, watching movies, or playing tennis.

    Takaho Mikami, T1

  42. I will answer the Q1. I work at private schooland teach Japanese to junior high school student. I am in good with students, but not with one of my superior teacher.
    He apparently looks down on the students and doesn't respect their opinions. When I am with him, I feel stressed.

    Yohei Yasuhara T1

  43. I will answer the question 2. When I feel stress, I have a talk with my close friends or my parents. Sharing problems with others reduces my stress.

    Yumiko Nomura T1

  44. I will answer the second question.
    To handle stress, I listen to my favorite music and sing that songs. Singing my favorite songs in a loud voice can reduce my stress.

    Shiori T1
